PHP is a handy tool for writing web pages and application suites for placing on the web. Over the years, PHP has gained a reputation as being quite easy to learn and quickly generate pages; the flip-side of that reputation is that it is a 'toy' language and that PHP scripts/modules/programs are inherently bad code. Of course, there's lots of really bad PHP code out there, just as there is lots of bad C, FORTRAN, Java etc code out there. Perhaps there is more bad PHP as inexperienced web designers are drawn to it for some dirty scripting, but that's hardly PHP's fault.

Once you start to use PHP for serious applications (e.g. even a relatively small application suite like Bumblebee has over 18kloc) then you start to wonder about bottlenecks in your code and consider optimising it. For a good overview of what to look for in your PHP code and some comparisons of the speed of local variables vs object members and function calls vs method calls, have a look at John Lim's Optimizing PHP page.

Profiling PHP

While John Lim's Optimizing PHP page has a good summary of what to look for when you're going through the code, it's also nice to know how to get some metrics on your own code. The Advanced PHP Debugger (APD, which is actually a profiler) provides you with some nice tools to do this. APD can be used with KCacheGrind to get some nice visualisations of what is happening in your application and will help to identify bottlenecks.

If you're running Debian and want to profile PHP4 scripts, then all you need to do to pick up the required tools is:

 apt-get install php4-cgi php4-apd kcachegrind

To profile your script, you'll need to run it using the CGI version of PHP not the Apache/IIS module. The CGI and module versions can co-exist quite nicely within your Apache installation. Add the following to your server's httpd.conf (where the other AddHandler definitions are placed) and get Apache to reload its configuration.

 AddHandler php-script .pcgi
 Action php-script /cgi-bin/php4

If you get errors about Action being unknown, then make sure you have the following line either in your httpd.conf or modules.conf depending on the style of your configuration.

 LoadModule action_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/

If your application normally runs through index.php then accessing it through index.pcgi will run it using the CGI version of PHP. You might need to do some reconfiguration of your application so that any links point to index.pcgi not index.php now, but you've already got that as a single configuration option in a text file, don't you?

To actually load in the profiling tools, you can either copy your index.php over to index.pcgi and make some alterations, or you can do some clever PHP monkeying as described below.

One of the things that becomes evident when you use tools like KCacheGrind to view your profile output is that if you don't have some sort of main() function inside your script that wraps around everything in the script, then you'll get weird looking results that are harder to understand without going through your code in some detail at the same time as looking at your profile. The following code listing for index.pcgi solves the index.php/index.pcgi problem and provides you with a main() quite nicely.

 <?php   // index.pcgi, a loader for APD
 ini_set('apd.statement_tracing', 1);
 function main() {
   include 'index.php';

There are a few things to note about this setup:

  1. Everything is run through main() which means that all your code will have a common ancenstor when viewing it through KCacheGrind and you'll be able to see what's happening more easily.
  2. Output buffering is turned on and gzip compression is used. If you don't have output buffering turned on then it will look like each include and require statement is taking a lot of time as they will cause PHP to flush the output to the browser and skew the time your actual algorithm is taking; similarly functions with echo/print would receive a penalty if they fill PHP's normal output buffer and cause TCP/IP traffic meaning that some echo statements will look like they are taking a lot longer than others (and not in a reproducible way).
  3. Statement tracing is turned on to improve the accuracy of the profiling. This feature is currently only useful if you use KCacheGrind, but it appears that this means that time will be allocated against the actual statements that are taking time rather than just on function exit.
  4. If your code allows, you could run main() inside a loop multiple times to permit some averages to be taken of the execution time more easily. Note, however, that you may end up with redefinitions errors for classes and functions that way (unless you use include_once not include) and that the call trace will get exceedingly large and pprof2calltree might choke on it.
  5. This gives a lot of information about the entire process which is good for identifying the areas you want to optimise, but you will probably need to write a test harness for just those components when you get to actually optimising them.
  6. You can conditionally turn on tracing for just some IPs or just some call functions (e.g. you could test if $_GET['view'] == 'foo' if you only want to profile what happens when the user asks for a 'foo'.

The output of APD is quite cryptic but for most cases you don't really need to look at it; LJ posted an overview of PHP profiling which covers this in more detail.

If you are going to use KCacheGrind to view the profile (and it's a great tool for it... highly recommended!) then the basic steps you'll follow are as below. (You might like this script to automate steps 2-4.)

  1. visit your .pcgi page with profiling turned on (You are running with a snapshot of some real world data, aren't you? Databases full of asdfasdf tend not to be that good for profiling.)
  2. find the profile on your server's filespace (under Debian it's in /var/log/php4-apd/), it will have a filename like pprof.XXXXX
  3. convert the profile to a calltree: pprof2calltree -f /var/log/php4-apd/pprof.XXXXX (If you get out of memory errors from this PHP script, then increase the memory allowed for the command-line version of PHP in /etc/php4/cli/php.ini; a moderately complicated calltree can take 128MB of memory to parse. You might want to increase the execution time too.)
  4. view the calltree using KCacheGrind: kcachegrind cachegrind.out.pprof.XXXXX
  5. look for where the most time is being spent (can you improve that algorithm?), what functions are being called lots (are they necessary?), etc
  6. be careful at reading too much into one run... especially the first run (Was the database swapped out of memory? The first database call will look like it took a lot of time.)

Improving performance

You might be surprised at where your bottlenecks are... in an object-oriented application, you might find that one of your really small classes is thrashing a lot (method calls method calls method etc) and optimising just that component can make a big difference to your performance while the big scary algorithm that you were worried about because it's O(n2) isn't so much of a problem after all because it's only called once and there are other limits on how many records it will ever have to parse.

Calls like count($array) are quite expensive, particularly if you put them in a control loop. If you aren't going to change $array within the loop, then don't use this:

for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) {
   // .... do something

Instead, use this construct and save a lot of time.

$array_length = count($array);
 for ($i = 0; $i < $array_length; $i++) {
   // .... do something

Happy optimising!

Last edited: Wednesday May 31, 2006

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